Feeling Overwhelmed? This Simple Trick Will ….

Divya Parekh
2 min readJun 9, 2024

Feeling swamped by life lately?

Feeling you’re about to explode from work or business stress?

That overwhelm hits hard and zaps your whole day, right?

It’s not exactly a recipe for getting things done or feeling good.

So, how what could you do to get back on track?

Well, here’s a trick that might calm you in two minutes.

Take a walk by some water!

It could be a lake, river, ocean, anything!

No lake nearby?

No worries!

Even just staring out the window at a pool or a fountain can do the trick. If that’s still not an option, even a picture of water can help!

There’s science behind it!

Researchers at UC Davis did a whole study on this, and guess what? Just looking at water can slow your heart rate and blood pressure down way more than looking at a tree or a boring street sign.

Fancy that!

Apparently, staring at water, whether in a crystal-clear pool or a babbling brook, makes you feel calmer.

Why is water so good at calming us?



Divya Parekh

#1 Bestselling author, contributor @ Entrepreneur, CEO World, Forbes I cover self-mastery, business, storytelling, and branding. entrepreneur.divyaparekh.com